LOTUS WEI | Infinite Love Mist
Formulated with a potent combination of flower power that encourages unconditional love for yourself & others; attracts love, affection, enhanced magnetism, attractiveness and charisma. Magnifies gentleness, compassion, softness, and receptivity.
Most feel a dramatic difference in their everyday state of mind within 2-3 days, with a cumulative effect over time. If used regularly, bottle lasts 3-4 weeks, enough time to experience a significant shift in mood and everyday life. Safe (& excellent) for children.
How to Use: Mist above and around your face and shoulders.
*Hong Kong Orchid - Self-love & appreciation, feeling attractive, being yourself
*Wild Fireweed - Dissolves old bad memories, heals wounds of the heart, forgiveness
*Pink Magnolia - Feeling whole, complete; taking time to care for yourself
*Orange Hawkweed - Self-sufficiency, clarity in relationships, unconditional love
*Pink Lotus - Wisdom, insight, spiritual understanding.
GEMSTONE - Pink Tourmaline - Kindness & gentleness toward oneself
Essential oils of *Citrus deliciosa (Red Mandarin), *Pelargonium roseum (Rose Geranium), Monarda fistulosa (Monarda), Cymbopogon citrates (Lemongrass), Rosa damascena (Rose absolute), Rosa damascena (Rose Wax), and Apies millifera (Beeswax Absolute), and hand-collected flower essences of Bauhinia blakeana (Hong Kong Orchid), Epilobium augustifolium (Fireweed), Magnolia liliflora (Pink Magnolia), Hieracium aurantiacum (Hawkweed), Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus) and gem essence of Pink Tourmaline in pure water. *Certified Organic.